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6th September 2019
On the 17th and 18th of August, affiliated clubs and State Associations from all Australian states came together in Melbourne to participate in our second Building Better Kart Clubs conference. Theme for the conference was “Building Karting Communities That Work And Play Together.”
Feedback from delegates and the vibe in the room during the one and a half days that we spent together was that it was a great event. Not only did we have a great line-up of speakers, informative sessions and workshops to help and inspire our Clubs to want to develop and become better at what they do for you every week of the year but we had the opportunity to outline our new Strategic Plan for the next 3 years and initiatives to boost awareness membership and participation in our sport.
One of the most insightful and eye-opening sessions was our 4SS Forum with Steve Pegg (President of Eastern Lions Kart Club) Michael Patrizi (Patrizicorse Principal) and Kevin Davis (Managing Director of Torini Engines.) Steve – a self-admitted 4 stroke sceptic at the start, told the delegates of the benefits that 4SS, with the support of the local karting industry, had brought to his club. The 4SS Class has played a significant role in the Eastern Lions Kart Club increasing their licenced driver membership by 56 licence holders (a 32% increase) and club competition entries by 214 entries (a 32.5% increase) in the 12 months to 30 June this year over the same period in 2018. A truly great effort by the Club.
I would particularly like to thank Australian Grand Prix Corporation CEO Andrew Westacott and Michael Masi – Formula 1 Race Director for their inspiring Keynote addresses that set the scene for some great learning sessions. By the way, in between the truly hectic world of Formula 1 races across the world, Michael still takes the time to assist me with our sporting issues in Australian karting.
Paul Feely – organiser of the Victorian Country Series gave his insights into what their organising committee does to make the VCS events at some of the smallest kart clubs in the country the huge success that they are (the VCS currently averages more than 200 entries for each event.)
Links to the conference presentations and videos from the Conference have been forwarded to Clubs this week.
Karting Australia Chief Operating Officer Lee Hanatschek and I along with our club development partner – Sports Community will be running a similar session in Perth later this year for our Western Australian clubs to coincide with the Karting WA Annual General Meeting.
The date for the 2020 Building Better Kart Clubs Conference is included in the 2020 National Calendar of Events. Club President’s and Executives, put it in your calendar as soon as it is released (which will be very soon.)
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